What is token gating?

Token gating lets hosts control access to their NOWHERE spaces, to create exclusive content and spaces that requires a guest to hold a specific type and quantity of crypto assets that the host defines.

Setting a token gate in 5 steps

1 :: Go to a space’s Edit page and check the Gate Access box

Learn how to find a space’s Edit page on the 📝 Editing Spaces and Stations page.

turn on gating gif.gif

2 :: Create Gate Policy

Then choose the type of asset you would like to gate by selecting...

create gate policy gif.gif

...an individual wallet

Wallet Access.png

...a group of Token or NFT Owners

Token or NFT owners.png

...members of a DAO

Members of a DAO.png

...POAP Collectors

POAP collectors.png

3 :: Connect your own wallet

We need to connect to your wallet to verify the contract. You can use either MetaMask or other wallets through WalletConnect.

connect metamask gif.gif

4 :: Select frequency of asset check

We default to a one time check at first time accessing the space, but you have the option to be more strict and enforce a check more often.

check frequency.gif

5 :: Set the display message

Use this to let visitors to your space know what assets they need to get in.

gating message.png


Who has access to token gating?