Quick guide to the basics

Quick guide to the basics

New in v2.6 & World Runner Sync

New in v2.6 & World Runner Sync

So happy to have you on this world building journey with us! we know we’ve only scratched the surface of what is possible in NOWHERE, we’re so excited to see what you all are about to dream up, we know you’re going to bring some stunning, engaging and imaginative creations to life.

People make the place, and places dictate behaviors. Benjamin Schneider

We encourage you to think about how people will move around in your world, make places to gather, to surprise, to discover, to play, to perform.

Nowhere is built on top of the fully browser based game engine Babylon.js, so finding a balance in polys, materials and heavier shaders is a must. Lean into minimalism, optimize all of your assets and be creative.

This is a living guide; please help us improve the documentation by commenting suggested additions and edits

Join our world-builders Discord community for help and inspiration.

Check out the World Builders Club station to see what others have built

Table of Contents

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  1. Materials & Textures MUST be created through the plug-in “:: NWR :: Material” panel
  2. We do not use PBR shader. Nowhere is built using the "Standard Shader"
  3. Total file size for export ⇒ under 10mb preferred // 25mb max (incld. textures & NWS file)
  4. Max Triangle count recommendation = 150k tris
  5. Less than 10 textures ideal. 20 textures max. The texture limit includes all individual texture types: albedo, normal, specular, etc



8 Dynamic Lights max (try to use baked lights)

Baked Lighting supported only via Plugin baking (recommended to use baked lighting over dynamic)

A Mesh can only have ONE Material and cannot export grouped meshes, make sure to combine

Clean up before export: Apply Transforms of all mesh • Center Pivots • Clear History

Animation : Rotation is the only currently available

Make sure to set your export location to a different folder than your working files