_v1 , _v2 , _v3 for any assets that are NOT finals for engine. The engine file will not have version extensions. Please version ALL files : Photoshop, Blender, Zbrush, Substance if when need. If you only have one file it must be named with an _v1
- EX : Arco is the name of a world
- arco_v1.nws
- arco_v2.nws
- arco_v3.nws
- arco.nws (FINAL)
- arco_v1.psd
- arco_v2.psd
- arco.psd (FINAL)
- arco_v1.zpr
- arco_.zbr (FINAL)
2. NAMING NODES (mesh . geometry)
NAMING : node_typeofasset_variant
*NAL nowhere asset library . general use across worlds
- nal_broadcast (for video streaming)
- nal_speaker_base
- nal_speaker_broadcast
- nal_speaker_ring