WebGL Error

The most common reason for this error is in the Chrome browser when the Hardware Acceleration setting is disabled.

  1. Click the three dots in the top right corner of Google Chrome and select "Settings".
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click "Advanced".
  3. Under "System", toggle ON "Use hardware acceleration when available".
  4. Restart Google Chrome.

<aside> 💡 To test this go to: https://www.partitionwizard.com/partitionmagic/hardware-acceleration-chrome.html


Stuck on Loading or Audio/Video page?

<aside> ❗ Are you trying to get into a Space and can't get past the loading page? Maybe you get stuck on the Audio/Video screen, or you just don't see yourself on the Audio/Video check? Here are some steps to take so you can once again see your beautiful face.



  1. Make sure you are using either a Google Chrome or Firefox browser. If you have issues using one of them, try the other.
  2. Try a Hard Refresh to reset your connection to the page.

Check Site Microphone/Camera Permissions

Click the lock to the left of your the URL bar and set Camera, Microphone to "Allow" if they aren't already.


Reset Permissions

  1. Open the lock again.

  2. Click "Site Settings."


  3. Click "Reset permissions" and then click "confirm" when it prompts you.
